Wednesday, June 20, 2007

My Beloved

Well, poor Hannah has no one to post about her so here are some lovely pics that I enjoy. Some are not so 'flat'-ering, she might say, but I think her a beauty of highest standards. First, we witness Hannah doing one of her favorite things, eating birthday cake. Notice the smirky smile as she knows she is feeding bad, sugary stuff to baby Samwise or Elanor (my boy and girl names).
Next, we catch her again, GUILTY! Cheating on me with another man! Notice Corbin going for an open mouth-er while Hannah just wanted a peck. I'm glad I never made that mistake!

Finally, going for a stroll, yes, looking for tadpoles in the creek. Nothing witty to say about this, other than: The amish can have their strawberry patch, we pick live specimens at 9 months, little more challenging! Let's just not have the baby in the creek...

Brad's Projects

Answer to the famous question, "How are you going to fit a 4th child in the 'trabin'?": Brad built this bed for Cozy with all my storage underneath!!! It is my favorite idea - I love all the drawers. The bed is as long as a twin but not quite as wide.

Here's what Brad spends most of his days doing. I prefer not to think too much about the heights but he doesn't seem to mind at all. The other guy is Bert Smith, a fellow partner in the painting business :-).

I know that all of you are going to be so disappointed but the van is actually gone. Can you believe that Cozette cried? She said, "But Mom, that was our ship!" Well the "ship" has gone out to sea. :-)


I'm potty trained!!! He has done so well. He can also dress himself and actually wants to now (thanks to a helpful tool from a tree :-)

Can you believe that the bunk beds fit into the old laundry room? Corbin is on the bottom bunk with Truman in the top. That has put forth new challeges - someone to chat with instead of going on to sleep. :-) He is learning to go to sleep without sucking his thumb thanks to an infection.

While his siblings ride bikes he scoots around on this "horse". Why do kids always choose the old time toys?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Tru in the creek. We actually were able to "raise" 3 tadpoles from this creek and contrary to all our science projects with Dad - they lived!!

Truman hanging in the trees. After seeing Cozette's animal shelter, he came in asking for hammer and nails. I'm not sure which is better - being hung from rope or hanging by a nail.

He is Lego Man. When he isn't outside or playing cars with Corbin - it is legos. He is really creative. You'd be surprised how many different ways this car can be built - "Mom, did you see this?"!!!

"Oh, Cozy in the Spring Time..."

Since the baby (Lord willing) should be here at anytime :-) I thought I better do something to update my blog. Here's a little update on all of us.

Cozette turned 6 in April and is full of creative projects and caring for animals.

She actually caught this rabbit. It stayed in a box for 5 hours. I would hate to see the tears that would have been cried if it had stayed around a minute longer. :-)

This is some sort of animal stand that she made out in the woods. She had tied the animals to trees and made this post.

What is more fun than a lemonade stand on top of White Cloud? She wanted the neighbors to stop so badly but each member of the family made their appearance. Her comments, "This was the 'funnest' (not sure how you'd spell that) day ever, Mom!"